Report Text Purpose of the Text : To inform the readers about natural or social phenomena; to describe the way things are. Tujuan Penulisan : Menyampaikan berita perihal suatu hasil pengamatan secara apa adanya. Generic Structure (Struktur Umum) : 1. General Classifi cation: pernyataan umun yang membuktikan subjek laporan, informasi, dan klasifi kasinya. 2. Descriptions: pembuatan isu perihal ciri-ciri biasa /generalisasi yang dimiliki subjek mirip perilaku, fi sik, psikologis, mutu, ciri-ciri khas. Language Features (Ciri-ciri Bahasa): 1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense karena menyatakan fakta/kebenaran umum 2. Hasil pengamatan, observasi, observasi atau studi perihal benda, hewan, orang maupun daerah CONTOH SOAL Text 1: UMPTN 1998/R-A/14 Whales are the largest animals on earth. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weigh 150 tons. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weigh 3 tons. Although whales live in the oceans and swims like a fi sh, they are not fi sh. They are mammals, like cows and elephants. Unlike fi sh they bear young alive, not as eggs. Their babies live on their’s mother’s milk. They breathe through their lungs and hold their breath when they go under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will drown. They are warm-blodded. Fish, however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in the water, and are cold-blooded. Whales live in all the oceans. In the winter, some of them go to the warm water to breed and in the summer, most of them go to the cold water to feed. There are two kinds of whales, whales with teeth (toothed whales) and whales without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fi sh and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their foods without chewing it. The baleen whales eat plankton (small animals and plants). When they fi nd pankton, they open their mouths and swim into the plankton. When they close their mouth they squeeze out the water and swallow the plankton. Whales have few enemies. Only human beings and the killer whales that attack whales. And whales do not seem to fi ght among themselves. They usually live from 20−30 years. 1. The diff erence between whales and fi sh is that whales …. A. do not have to come to the surface to get fresh air B. deliver their young like elephants do C. will die if they can not get oxygen in the water D. are mammals that are cold-blooded E. can easily breathe when they are under water Pembahasan : Pada paragraf kedua dalam bacaan, dibilang bahwa paus ialah mamalia paling besar yang hidup di laut. Namun, sekalipun mereka tinggal dan hidup di air, mereka tetap membesarkan anak yang mereka lahirkan dan bukan telur alasannya mamalia yaitu hewan yang melahirkan, mirip halnya sapi maupun gajah dalam mengasuh anak mereka. Jawaban: B 2. A suitable title for the text is …. A. Large Animals on Earth B. Diff erence Betweeen Whales and Elephants C. Whales, the Biggest Animals on Earth D. Similarity Between Fish and Whales E. The Life of Whales in the Oceans Pembahasan : Dalam bacaan tersebut, dari permulaan hingga simpulan paragraf menggambarkan serta menyampaikan info tentang mamalia terbesar yang hidup di maritim, yaitu paus. Maka dari itu, balasan yang paling tepat untuk soal ini ialah (C) Whales, the Biggest Animals on Earth. Jawaban: C 3. Which of the following is TRUE about the whales? A. Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150 tons. B. Big animals living in the ocean tend to be their enemies. C. Like fi sh, whales can live in all kinds of water. D. Their life-span is usually longer than human beings. E. A new-born baby whale may weight one-fi ftieth of its mother. Pembahasan : Berdasarkan bacaan di atas, maka tanggapan yang paling tepat yakni (A) yang terdapat pada kalimat kedua di paragraf pertama. Sementara opsi yang lain dalam soal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan yang terdapat dalam bacaan. Jawaban: A 4. Whales occasionally live in the warm water …. A. to get more foods B. for reproduction C. to avoid winter D. to get fresh air E. to feed their babies Pembahasan : Pada paragraf ketiga baris kedua dikatakan “… in the winter, some of them go to the warm water to breed” yang sesuai dengan opsi balasan (B) sebab breed = reproduction (berkembang biak). Jawaban: B 5. From the text we may conclude that …. A. a whale can both eat squid and plankton B. toothed whales chew their foods before swallowing it C. the two types of whales live in the diff erent waters D. baleen whales swallow the water containing the plankton E. each type of whale eats a specifi c kind of foods Pembahasan : Berdasarkan isu yang terdapat pada paragraf ketiga, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa baik paus yang memiliki gigi (toothed whales) dan yang tidak memiliki gigi (baleen whales) memiliki masakan yang tersendiri sesuai dengan bentuk tubuh dan keunikan yang mereka miliki. Jawaban: E Text 2: SPMB 2006/R-II/610 The killer sea waves known as Tsunamis are so quiet in their approach from a far, so harmless, that until recently their history has been one of surprise attack. Out in the middle of the ocean, the distance between tsunami wave crests can be 100 miles and the height of the wave have no more than three feet: sailors can ride one and suspect nothing. At the shoreline, the first sign is often an ebbing—a retreat but rather a gathering of forces. When the great waves finally do strike, they rear up and hit harbor and coast, causing death and damage. These seismic sea waves—or tidal waves—as they are sometimes called, bear no relation to the moon or tides. And the word “tsunami”, Japanese for “harbor wave”, related to their destination rather than their origin. The causes are various: undersea or coastal earthquakes, deep ocean avalanches or volcanism. Whatever the cause, the wave motion starts with a sudden move like a hit from a giant paddle that displaces the water. And the greater the undersea hit, the greater the tsunami’s damaging power. In 1883, Krakatoa volcano in the East Indies erupted, and the entire island collapsed in 820 feet of water. A tsunami is a tremendous forces bouncing around Java and Sumatera, killing 36.000 people with walls of water that reached 115 feet in height. In 1946, a tsunami struck first near Alaska and then, without warning, hit Hawaiian Islands, killing 159 people and causing millions of dollars of damage. This led to the creation of the Tsunami Warning System, whose nerve centre in Honolulu keeps around—the—clock vigil with the aid of new technology. If the seismic sea waves are confirmed by the Honolulu centre, warnings are transmitted within a few hours to all threatened Pasific points. Tsunamis have been deprived of their most deadly sting—surprise. 6. The writer describes in details …. A. how harmless the tsunamis seems to be for sailors B. what damage the tsunami caused in Japan C. when the tsunami tends to attack unexpectedly D. why tsunamis are called the killer sea waves E. where tsunamis have been most severe in their attack Pembahasan : Dalam bacaan tersebut, penulis ingin memberikan betapa dahsyatnya musibah tsunami yang tidak disangka-sangka kedatangannya. Pada permulaan paragraf dibilang, hadirnya tsunami terjadi secara tiba-datang tanpa adanya gejala alam yang disadari oleh manusia. Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat untuk pertanyaan tersebut ialah C. Jawaban: C 7. Why are tsunamis seemingly harmless when they start? A. The waves out in the ocean were not alarmingly high. B. The ebbing of the water leave fish stranded and slapping on the bottom. C. The great waves strike, reaching up and hitting harbor and coast. D. The waves approaching from a far gather forces and move the water away from the land. E. The seismic sea waves bear no relation to the moon or tides. Pembahasan : Pada paragraf kedua dikatakan bahwa jauh di lautan sana, gelombang tsunami berjarak sekitar 100 mil dan tingginya tidak lebih dari tiga meter. Hal tersebut tidak menjadikan kegundahan bagi para pelaut yang menganggap hal tersebut ialah hal yang masuk akal. Di tepian pantai pun gelombang yang terjadi tidaklah dahsyat sehingga tsunami tidak terlihat menyeramkan ketika mulai terjadi. Dilihat dari opsi jawaban yang ada, maka jawaban (A)-lah yang paling tepat sebab awalnya terlihat selaku gelombang biasa maka kedatangannya sangatlah mengagetkan. Jawaban: A 8. The following are possible causes for seismic waves, except …. A. earthquakes under the oceans B. underwater avalanches C. the rise and fall of the sea levels D. ocean volcanoes E. seashore earthquakes Pembahasan : Yang bukan ialah penyebab dari terjadinya tsunami yaitu naik dan turunnya permukaan air bahari alasannya air laut yang pasang dan surut adalah hal yang biasa terjadi di maritim dan tidak memiliki peluang menimbulkan tsunami; mirip pada tanggapan (C). Jawaban: C 9. Which of the recorded tsunami in the text was the worst? The one that hit …. A. The East Hindies B. The Island of Java C. Alaska D. The Hawaiian Islands E. Honolulu Pembahasan : Berdasarkan informasi pada paragraf keempat dalam bacaan, disebutkan bahwa salah satu bencana tsunami yang terdahsyat pernah terjadi di sekeliling kepulauan Jawa dimana peristiwa tersebut telah menelan korban jiwa lebih dari 36.000 orang dan gelombang yang sungguh tinggi mencapai ketinggian 115 kaki. Jawaban: B 10. The danger of tsunamis has been reduced by …. A. establishing local nerve centre B. the countries around the Pasific Rim C. close control from a new warning centre D. warning the nerve centre of seismic waves E. the Tsunami Warning System at the bottom of the sea Pembahasan : Bahaya tsunami sudah menyadarkan banyak pihak akan pentingnya mengetahui tanda-tanda tsunami dari permulaan kemunculannya. Berdasarkan bacaan di paragraf kelima, banyak negara kemudian saling berhubungan untuk mendirikan sentra peringatan tragedi tsunami dan mengawasi dari erat secara eksklusif tanda-tanda yang umumnya muncul menjelang terjadinya tsunami untuk menghindari korban jiwa yang lebih banyak lagi. Jawaban: C sumber : buku BAHASA inggris MATERI DAN LATIHAN SBMPTN TOP LEVEL - XII Sekolah Menengan Atas
Friday, December 4, 2020
Versi Soal Report Text Pada Soal Sbmptn
Diterbitkan December 04, 2020
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