have an incurable disease? have an unresolved problem? want to help others? try this free service What is Reiki? Rei-ki is often translated as ‘Universal Life-energy’, Most people come to Reiki as a healing technique.It can affect both the giver and receiver on every level, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. What is Attunement? The ability to do Reiki is simply transferred from the teacher to the student through a process called an attunement. As soon as one receives an attunement, they have the ability to do Reiki and after that whenever one places their hands on themselves or on another person with the intention of doing Reiki, the healing energy will automatically begin flowing. What is Divine Kundalini Reiki Plus (DKRP)? There are many types of reiki, depend on the master. Iam not call this is new style of reiki, this is only reiki that use Reiki Kundalini Tummo (RKTm), Nur Ilahi Reiki (NI), Green reiki (GR), Inti Reiki, usui Reiki, etc. as reference to new attunement curriculum. And you can give other name as you like. How to use this reiki? by intention, energy will automatically begin flowing and work. Is this website offer free attunement of reiki? yes, you can fill the form and send the request. No need to wait for my confirmation, your request activing the program (moment) that programmed to send the DKRP attunement according to the schedule you have set up. Reiki can work across time dan place. This Program (service) only untill december 2020. How to set up the schedule of attunement? Use the form, you can set up to 7 schedule in one request. Please give gab minimum 7 days between each attunement to give your body time to adapte to new energy. where is the manuals? I am sorry for it, you can use any manuals, ebooks or articels on internet or textbooks that explain about reiki this website only offer attunement, not manuals How many levels? Iam split it to 21 levels. Level 1-3 (as like RKTm), level 4-11 (as like NI), level 12-16 (as like GR), level 17-21 (as like master level) After all of attunements, can anyone pass attunement to others? basicly level 17 can give attunement to level 1-3, level 18 can give attunement to level 4-7, level 19 can give attunement to level 8-11, level 20 can give attunement to level 12-16, level 21 can give attunement to all levels. Note, evaluate your experiance dan experiment also your understanding, then up to you. FREE ATTUNEMENT REQUEST CLICK HERE https://goo.gl/forms/8i6Se0Y12JBQJX3g2 How to do healing? 1. pray to the GOD 2. with back straight, take 3-deep breaths and relax 3. make the intention 'with the permission of God, devine kundalini reiki plus energy entering my body through core of my crown chakra, lets energy flow to ......(myself/patient name), be healed physicaly, mentaly, emotionaly and Spiritualy, thanks you, thanks you, thanks you God' 4. place your hand to several positions, Hand Position for self healing 1. both hands on head for 10 minutes 2. one on top of the head dan other on below the navel for 10 minutes 3. one on chest dan other on below the navel for 10 minutes 4. focus to your breaths, breath in -> only positive energy that entering, breath out -> all negative energy is out 5. thanks to The God for the blessing for other information or reference, you can use internet or reiki books or pratitioner reiki or others. FREE ATTUNEMENT REQUEST CLICK HERE https://goo.gl/forms/8i6Se0Y12JBQJX3g2 WHO IS THE REAL HEALER? ONLY The GOD is the real healer, we only ask His mercy through reiki energy to heal ourself and others. source : https://sites.google.com/view/divinekundalinireikiplus/beranda
Sumber http://lets-sekolah.blogspot.com
Monday, June 15, 2020
Healing Technique On Every Level, Physical, Mental, Emotional And Spiritual.
Diterbitkan June 15, 2020
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